
  1. fidelis

    push/pull method methamphetamine

    enjoy this "meth"od hehe :b original synth here, but i would suggest just sticking with my ver because i made a lot of grammar corrections this is how fzr96 does push and pull: i use generic 60 mg sudafeds from walgreens. i throw them in a blender, then i throw in some denatured alcohol...
  2. R

    Some questions about amphetamines and methamphetamines

    I have a few questions that need to be answered, and in return I will publish for free some important data on amphetamines and their precursors that this website lacks after the next test is completed. 1.Can D-amphetamine hydrochloride crystals be sold and smoked as Ice? (Ice refers to...
  3. Methamphetamine from ephedrine tablets via red P

    Methamphetamine from ephedrine tablets via red P

    Methamphetamine from ephedrine tablets via red P on the kitchen. Special thanks to @the money for this video!
  4. Methamphetamine hydrochloride synthesis via Al/Hg

    Methamphetamine hydrochloride synthesis via Al/Hg

    Methamphetamine hydrochloride synthesis via Al/Hg reductive amination with salt formation. Author: TDC @DRTDC90
  5. Methamphetamine hydrochloride synthesis via Leuckart amination

    Methamphetamine hydrochloride synthesis via Leuckart amination

    Methamphetamine hydrochloride total synthesis video from P2P and N-methylformamide via Leuckart amination. Author: TDC @DRTDC90
  6. ZRG

    Can STAB replace NaBh4? cas:56553-60-7

    Nabh4 is not available for personal purchase in my country, so I wonder if anyone has used STAB instead of Nabh4, as far as I know STAB is a mild reducing agent, but I don't know if it can reduce P2NP, and cyanoboron Sodium hydride is highly toxic and I'm not going to try this, if anyone has...
  7. lsdkingpin

    I have crushed crystal methamphetamine I would like to recrysalize into big rocks again

    Basically the title is the question. Do I need a special solvent etc. more info: the stuff i have has been crushed into like crumbs from bigger crystals that's just how I received it stealthily but I would now like to turn it back into rocks. I've read the crystallization of methamphetamine...
  8. Dragovich

    Methamphetamine From Amphetamine Sytnthesis Report (With Success and Final Photos)

    Hello everyone again after a long time. Today I will briefly describe my success in synthesis and what steps I followed. I'm sorry I won't keep long. I don't know what the chemicals you have and the materials you have, but since I live in Turkey, the poorest country in Europe, I pushed the...
  9. G.Patton

    The simplest Methamphetamine synthesis from Amphetamine

    Introduction There are many procedures out there for the production of N-methyl-amphetamines (methamphetamines) from various starting materials, such as phenyl-2-propanone (P2P), phenylacetaldehyde or ephedrine, but what if you already have an amphetamine and wanted to add a methyl group to...
  10. G.Patton

    Methamphetamine from phenylacetaldehyde

    Introduction Grignard reagents (CH3I and Mg) add to aldimine (Schiff bases) to give amine, in which the hydrocarbon residue of the Grignard is attached to the carbon atom. In the case of methamphetamine, it means that that methyl Grignard reagent adds to the Schiff base between...
  11. G.Patton

    Methamphetamine synthesis from P2P by NaBH4 reduction. Medium-Scale.

    Introduction I represent to BB audience Methamphetamine synthesis method of 1-phenyl-2-propanon (P2P) reductive amination by NaBH4. Following method allows obtaining and large batches of product. The hardest problem of this method is the heat generating during exothermic reaction of imine...
  12. G.Patton

    Methamphetamine crystallization and Ice manufacturing

    Introduction. What is the Drug Ice? “Ice” is the street name for pure methamphetamine (meth). Meth is a powerful stimulant that increases dopamine and makes a person feel a rush of euphoria and high-energy levels. Since a lot of street methamphetamine is adulterated with harmful chemicals, ice...
  13. William D.

    Methamphetamine from ephedrine tablets

    Extraction of pseudoephedrine from pharmaceutical (Sudafed) tablets. Pseudoephedrine was extracted from Sudafed tablets using ethanol, ethanol/methanol (90:10% vol/vol) and methylated spirits. The solvents were chosen with reference to the relevant clandestine literature. For each extraction...
  14. William D.

    Methamphetamine synthesis from P2P via Aluminum amalgam

    Reaction scheme: Equipment and glassware: 5 L Round bottom flask; Retort stand and clamp for securing apparatus (optional); Reflux condenser; Funnel; Sieve filter (kitchen grade is ok); Syringe or Pasteur pipette; pH indicator papers; Beakers (500 mL x2, 250 mL x2, 100 mL x2); Vacuum source...
  15. William D.

    1-Phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) Leuckart amination to amphetamine and methamphetamine. Smale scale.

    Amphetamine Reagents: 1-Phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) 0.827 g, 6.2 mmol; Formamide 3.5 ml; Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) 5 ml 30%; Benzene 50 ml; Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4); Methanol 5 ml (MeOH); Hydrochloric acid (15 % aq HCl) 5 ml; Distilled water 25 ml; Dichloromethane (DCM) 90 ml; Sodium hydroxide...